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lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


A continuación os mostramos ejercicios de nuestros alumnos de Secundaria de Madrid, donde ellos tratan de practicar el manejo del instrumental de Dibujo, intentando hacer perspectivas interesantes y atractivas con ello.  You can hereby find some activities done by our secundary sclool students, who are improving their technical drawing with the proper use of their tools, trying at the same time to make interesting and appealing perspectives.

Por favor, escribe un comentario--Please, comment on the work : answer one of these questions mentioning the work by name or number.
-1. Which of the designs and shapes contribute to create perspective?
-2. Which coloring is more effective to create the impression of depth?
-3.Which creative work do you like best and why does it appeal to you?






7. Jav Mar





67 comentarios:

  1. Over all I liked number 9 the best because of the deep colors and the creative shapes.

    1. Muchas gracias. Te voy a dar los pasos para que tu lo hagas en tu casa.
      1.Encuentras el centro geometrico de la hoja.
      2. De ese centro, haces cuadrados de 15x15 mm, separados por 5mm (1mm = 0,0393701 pulgadas).
      3. Tiene que quedarte un numero impar de cuadrados.
      4. Se tienen que unir los vertices de todos los cuadrados con el centro geometrico (¡¡Todo hay que hacerlo con escuadra y cartabon!!).
      5. Borras todas las lineas que atraviesan otros cuadrados y las lineas que ya no necesitas.
      6. Si quieres puedes cambiar la forma de los cuadrados por formas más variadas.
      7.Repasa los cuadrados y su perspectiva con un marcador negro.
      8. Dibujalo a tu gusto.
      Espero que te sirva.

  2. 1. I think all of the designs show perspective but the shapes that gives you the most is a rectangle and square.
    2. Number 6 is more effective to create the impression of depth
    3. I like number 6 the best because it has great colors and unique shapes.

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Hola, soy la creadora del dibujo número 6. Pensar que formas iba a hacer y después los colores que le iba a poner se me complicó mucho, así que me alegro de que te haya gustado, gracias.

  3. 1.Number 1
    2.Number 6
    3.I liked number six the most because of the colors they used. The design looks very cool.
    -Natalie PD:3

    1. Hola, soy la creadora del dibujo número 6. Ha sido muy difícil hacer el diseño, y después se complica un poco más al tener que elegir y combinar los colores, me alegro de que te guste, muchas gracias.

  4. Q2) Which coloring is more effective to create the impression of depth?
    A: I think the darker colors give a better impression of depth, because it stands out more and when something is darker it looks deeper. In number one the orange in the middle is darker and it gives off the effect that it goes deeper than the other colors.

  5. I liked #1 the most. This one appealed to me because it creates an illusion that it is 3D because of the way they colored the picture.

    Period 1

  6. All of them are really great but in my opinion but one of them really got my attention.
    My favorite one was 2, because it it stands out and describes how I fell, bursting with energy and delight.

  7. I like number 6 because it is colorful and makes you feel like you are in a different world.

    1. Muchas gracias Sebastian, mi intención era que tuviera mucha profundidad, pero que te haga sentir que estas en un mundo diferente me alegra más porque no fue fácil hacerlo.

  8. I liked number 10 the best because it showed a deep perspective on movement it looked like an illusion and I think it is beautiful

  9. 1.)number 10 the most because it is showing depth
    2.)number 9 because it show darker and lighter shadings
    3.)number 5 because of the colors and the designs they used were really pretty
    Sydney period 7

    1. Yo soy el numero 9, es bueno saber que se nota que los colores del primer plano son mas oscuros que los del tercero. Esa era la idea.

  10. I love the way the shapes all come together to make a beautiful picture
    I think number 7 is the most creative with the colors going in a color spectrum.

    1. Hola, buenos días.
      Soy el creador del dibujo número 7, te agradezco mucho que te haya gustado, no ha sido fácil.

  11. 1. I think all of them because they all are look three dimensional, but especially the squares and rectangles.
    2. Designs 1 and 6
    3. I like design 5 because its unique and uses more than the common squares and rectangles. The coloring is also very vivid.
    - Kimmie P.7

  12. I like number 10 because it has a lot of depth and the colors really pop. I think that number 11 has the most depth because I feel as if I am looking down into something.
    Period 7

  13. I like number 1 the best because the contrast between the the sides is very obvious due to the colors they used. The colors are also really bright.
    - Clare Period 1

  14. I liked number 1 the best because the difference between the sides was really obvious. The colors were also really bright.
    - Clare
    Period 1

  15. I also really liked number 8 because of the variety of colors. All of the drawings are really good, though.
    - Clare
    Period 1

    1. Bueno, me alegro de que te haya gustado porque tardé mucho tiempo en elegir la composición de colores, sombras y formas puesto que tengo poca imaginación. Muchas gracias.

  16. I liked number 2 the most because it was a little different from number 1 and it had more solid shapes to it. The color makes it feel like it is popping out at you and it makes me feel a little bit calm. I think that the bigger squares make it stand out a little bit more from the first drawing. The bigger squares make me feel better and I like it more then the smaller squares in picture 1.
    -Maximo Period 6

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  17. I like 10 because the contrast in blue and pink colors makes it pop out even more. The varying shapes are make each part of the drawing look different, and it is visually stunning and impressive.
    - Jake
    Period 6

  18. 2. I think the bold, dark coloring is more effective to create the impression of depth.
    3. I liked #8 the best, because overall it creates this one picture, but if I look more closely I can see the individual shapes it took to create the work.
    Isabelle P6

  19. i liked number 6 because it felt like i was in another dimension and pretty deep.

  20. I like all of them to be honest. All of the colors match well and correspond with each other very well. So I don't like only one. I love all of them!
    -Leann (Period6)

  21. I like 10 because its creative and beautiful it makes me happy

  22. All of the art was really god but my favorite would have to be number 10. The artwork was very colorful and the colors blended very well together.

  23. 1. There are different shapes and prisms that make the drawings seem 3D and the large range of light and dark colors give the drawing depth.
    2. Again, the darker colors make the drawing seem further away while the lighter colors make the drawing appear closer and this gives the illusion that the prisms go on forever.
    3. I like number 1 the best because although it is the simplest, I can really see the depth and how the prisms go on forever.

    Period 6

  24. I like number 8 because i love how its very colorful and it seems like it's a mini puzzle.


  25. I like the first one because the shape is the same throughout the picture, but the colors change. They all are very pretty though and I like their vibrancy.

  26. I really liked Numbers 11, 10, 2. 7, and 6. I thought that they were really colorful, bright and abstract.
    pd 6

  27. I like number 8 the most because the colors popped out to me and I like the designs and shapes.
    ~Michelle P6

    1. Hola! Las formas y el diseño me costo mucho hacerlo puesto que tengo poca imaginación y se me da mal eso de pensar formas y diseños, aun así siento que este dibujo ha sido uno de los mejores que he hecho. Muchas Gracias.
      The only limits in life are the ones you make.

  28. My favorite is number 6 because it is bright, bold and solidly colored. It could catch someones eye from far away.

    ~Sharon from pd6

  29. 1. The size of the prisms and the diversity of the colors used in the drawings contribute to create perspective.
    2. I that number 1 and number 10 most effectively created the impression of depth by using irregular shapes and different shades of one color.
    3. I liked number 2 because they used different sized shapes and did a very good job of shading the shapes to make the drawing appear 3D.

  30. I liked #6 and #10, i liked 6 because of the shapes and the colors that just burst. I also liked 10 because i personally like blue and how the colors just make it look like its coming out the screen.

  31. I like numbers 6,8,10,11 because they are very unique and abstract. The colors used were super pretty.

  32. I like number 8 because the colors stand out and the colors looks dope! The picture looks relaxing on a wall too!

  33. I like number 8 best because the colors are really bold and vibrant and the shadows go really in depth with the 3D illusion.

  34. answer 1: I think number 8 does
    answer2: number 2 shows ways of getting darker and lighter from color
    answer 3: I like number 10 best, because it looks like there are blue light beams reflecting off of the drawing!
    - Leann (Period 6)

  35. Numbers 1,2, and 8 all create the illusion of depth where it looks like the shapes are popping out, which is really hard to do. Number 10 creates the opposite effect, as if you were walking into a tunnel. My favorite is number 9, because of all the bold colors and the unique shapes they used that were unlike the shapes in all the other pictures.

  36. 1 and 2 are beautiful are a great representation of Geometry the colors are awesome. 4 the shapes are cool but try using different colors. 5 and 6 are my 2nd favorite. 7 and 8 are my favorite they make it look like its not a flat paper and the color choice is exquisite. 9, 10, and 11 are balanced with color and geometric shapes.
    Keep Going :)(: -Khalid

    1. Hola, soy Iv Alb (4), el escaner hizo que no se viese el color como era, la próxima vez me esforzaré más, gracias.

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

    3. El escaner hizo los colores mas claros y blancos, pero la próxima vez me esforzaré más. ☺

  37. I thought all of them were beautiful and amazing! I loved 8 and 10 because I thought the colors were really pretty.


  38. 1). 8 looks like it has perspective because it has a unique color and design to it.
    2). 8 seems to have the impression of depth because of the creasing of the drop in the picture looks real and dope!
    3). 8 has the creative reward because it makes you feel relaxed and the drawing of the creasing looks creative and cool!

  39. 1.) #10 showed perspective because the black color highlighted the columns and made it look 2-D. The bright purple and blue colors popped with the black surroundings.
    -Lizzy Pd. 7

  40. I like #1 the best because it is very organized and creative but all of the drawlings are very colorful and artistic.
    -Julia Pd.1

  41. 2.) Number 1 by Ana Gar showed the impression of depth really well because she used a lighter color for the tops and a darker color to create an illusion of depth. It's really pretty.

    -Lizzy Pd.7

  42. 3.) All of the drawings were amazing, but #6 appealed to me because of the different bright colors that popped. It also included different shapes which resembled tetris.

    Pd. 7

  43. I really like number 6 because it is really colorful and it also looks pretty amazing.
    -Ian P6

    1. Muchas gracias. Dediqué cuatro horas, toda una tarde en terminarlo. Aplicar el color de forma adecuada es lo más dificil. Lo técnico se puede aprender. Lo artístico, supone sensibilidad. Gracias de nuevo.

  44. My favorite one is the eighth one it has a lot of very pretty colors and It looks like it took a lot of work.

    period 1

  45. I like number 6 because it looks colorful and really amazing.
    -Ian P6

  46. I like number 6 because it is so colorful and looks amazing.
    Ian period 6

  47. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  48. Me ha encantado el número 7 y el 1, son fabulosos, he encontrado una nueva forma de dibujar gracias a ellos, el 1 está muy bien hecho, pero el 7 es impresionante, está hecho de una forma que te hace sentir los colores dentro de tí, soy crítico de arte y me ha encantado.
    Saludos. Volveré...

    1. Hola, buenos días.
      Soy el creador del dibujo número 7, te agradezco mucho que te haya gustado, no ha sido fácil.

  49. El nº 7 está bastante bien, me ha gustado mucho.

    1. Hola, buenos días.
      Soy el creador del dibujo número 7, te agradezco mucho que te haya gustado, no ha sido fácil.

  50. My favorite picture is number one, I really like the colors used, and the symmetry used throughout the picture. Very good job, I really liked it, it looks amazing. Hailey- Estados Unidos.

  51. I like this one cause it has shapes and colors of the rainbow. Did tell you that you remind me of the monument in D.C. and its huge if I were in the picture I would be looking up enjoying the view of the colors.
    Mingboi USA
